I've now been on bedrest for 4 weeks! It's so crazy how fast time flies. Bedrest hasn't been easy by any means, but it's totally worth it if it means I get 2 healthy babies out of the deal :) We are officially out of the danger zone for laser surgery this week and so excited about that! At this point if anything happens they'll deliver the babies!
My belly is still growing each day which means the babies are too!! We go back to the hospital tomorrow for both a growth scan and to start getting Celestone injections. Because my cervix is so short they want to start speeding up the babies lung development so that if they come here soon they'll hopefully be able to breathe on their own. The Celestone helps with that! From this coming Monday (26 weeks) they say the babies have a very good chance of survival if they have to be delivered. Even though that's the case, I'm really hoping I can keep them in for several more weeks!! A friend just told me that she learned that for every day they stay in my belly, that's 3 days less they have to spend in ICU!!
They are suspecting our babies will come quite early because of my premature labor and short cervix, but also because of little Angel's marginal cord insertion. They said it's very likely that we'll get to the point where Angel isn't able to get enough of what he/she needs to grow properly and therefore it might be beneficial to deliver so Angel can be given enough nutrients! Also, the risks of TTTS increase as I get further along so they'll be monitoring very closely for that. I'm confident that if I keep laying on my back (well really on my side) like I have been that I'll be able to keep going for much longer!! Andrew tells me almost every day to "keep my legs crossed"! Now how many husbands do you know of that tell their wives to CROSS their legs? Hee hee!!
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