Monday, October 31, 2011

WOW! Now they are growing fast!!

I'm happy to report that the girls are doing really well! In the last couple of weeks they've really started to grow and develop and it's so fun to watch. I took them for their vaccinations a week ago and couldn't believe how much they weighted. Caelyn was 4.2kg/56cm long and Kylie was 3.85kg/53cm long!

About 3 weeks ago they went through a big growth spurt and starting screaming on the breast because my milk wasn't enough. We were then forced to start topping them up with some formula to make up the difference. I dont know if it's the formula or just that they are drinking so much more milk, but they have really started to grow so fast now that I can see the difference every day.

The only problem we've been having is that Kylie seems to be sensitive to formula because she started having really bad diarrhea and cramps :( We currently have her on 100% breastmilk which is working, but I dont have enough milk to continue that for very long. We're going to have to start experimenting with different formulas to see if we can find one that she can tolerate. I'm not sure what it is in the formula she's reacting to, but if I had to guess it's the milk and lactose. We've thought of trying soy formula, but I'm more allergic to soy than I am to dairy so I'm nervous to put her on it. If any of you have been through this and have any advice.. I'd love to hear it please!!

I'm going to try to take more videos of the girls because they are so darn cute right now. They are both smiling so much and starting to talk. I often lay them on their play mat together and they talk to each's amazing! They aren't sleeping much during the days now so they are keeping me extremely busy. It's a lot of fun and they are very good babies, but two is definitely a handful :)

I've been very bad about taking pictures since my Mom left, but here's a couple!

Caelyn enjoying being naked on the blanket my Mom made for her!

Andy feeding his girls :)

Out to lunch on my Mom's last day here!

Kylie asleep in aunty Shaz's hand!

Caelyn watching her sister! We love being swaddled so thank you to everyone who sent us the nice soft blankets :)

It's amazing they still take the breast when you see how happy they are with a bottle in their mouth :)

Chillin' on the couch!

Check out my new gangster pose (hee hee). Both girls are always putting their fist to their face and leaning on it. It's so adorable :)

All smiles!!

Video of Kylie Smiling

The girls are both starting to smile so much these days and it's super cute! I don't know how much time I waste trying to get them to smile at me, but I know it's a lot :)

Here is a short video of Kylie smiling at her bear rattle which is laying next to her changing mat. They now love getting their diapers changed because it means they get to look and smile at all their friends!

Video of the girls' first try at tummy time :)

This was when they were 9 weeks old which is 3 weeks old adjusted age. Adjusted age is how old they would be if they were born full term or on their due date of Sept. 5th. They use adjusted age when it comes to measuring their development!