Thursday, December 30, 2010

A big + on the stick!!

We found out that we are expecting a baby today!!!! It came as a bit of a shock because we'd been trying for some time, but we are both SOO happy! We are also relieved because we thought when we got home from Seattle that we were going to have to start seeking some help to fall pregnant! There is SO much truth to the saying that wanting a baby is the best contraceptive because as soon as we'd resigned ourselves to the fact that we were going to need some help...we got pregnant! I'm sure it also helped that we were on holiday and very relaxed!

We had a hunch when I was late, but confirmed it today with a stick from Target! Good old Target! I had an appointment with Theresa (homeopath) in Seattle so we had to take the test at her house just before so we knew for sure. When you're pregnant there are a lot of supplements that aren't safe to take!

When we got home to my Moms we handed her the stick (we washed it of course) and she just asked "why are you handing me a thermometer?" It was soooo funny! It took her a good few seconds to figure out what was happening and then of course the excitement started!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Where it all started!!

Our actual 1st year marriage anniversary was on Nov. 28th, 2010, but since we were apart (Andy was in SA and I was in Seattle) I decided to surprise him with a getaway! We drove out to Hood Canal and spent 2 nights at Alderbrooke Resort! This is where, we believe, our little ones were created! We hadn't seen much of each other in weeks so we had the most amazing time just being with the 2 of us and enjoying each other's company! Oh and of course we had massages too!! The weather wasn't great so it was the perfect setting to just cuddle up in front of the fire! The fire, yummy wine, and long chats were just what the Dr ordered apparently :)