Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sunny Winter's Day Belly Pics - 32 Wks & 6 Days Pregos!

We got a break from winter and had the most beautiful weather last weekend! Since I'd been stuck on this couch or in bed for 3 months we decided it would be ok if I went and laid in the grass for a while! The dogs all came to keep me company! It felt SO good to get a little sun even if it was only for a short while!!! Check out the message on the TV in the 4th picture. That was TOTALLY by accident. And you'll see we took a pic of the babies in the babies' room so you can all see what their room looks like!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Some Fun Belly Comparisons :)

My good friend Leslie came to visit me!! Thanks Les!! She's 28 weeks pregos, expecting a little girl on Oct. 4th and looking gorgeous!! I'm 33 wks in this pic!

So I think I clearly win this one :) Hee hee!!!

The Twins Birthday is in 3 More Sleeps!

The verdict just in and they've scheduled the delivery of our little bubbas for Monday morning, July 25th, at 7am South African time. That's 10pm Sunday night in Seattle!!! They are going to start prepping me for surgery at 4am on Monday morning so they'll be admitting me into hospital on Sunday evening. We're very very excited, but also a bit overwhelmed that it's all happening like now!!

We feel so lucky that we've been able to carry the little ones this far! On Monday it'll be the 1st day of our 34th week!! We really believe all of the love they are sent from our friends and family has made all the difference so thank you to all of you!!

I'll be discharged from the hospital on Thursday, but the babies will be in the NICU for a while after that. They won't know how long until they've had a chance to examine them on the outside! Please keep sending lots of healthy thoughts their way!!

I'll update the blog again with pics and info as soon as I can! In the meantime, bug Andrew if you need an update and for those of you here in SA... come visit me at Panorama :)

Only 3 more sleeps and we'll know if our babies are girls or boys!! We are so excited to meet them and find out! For those of you who guessed one boy and one girl, my apologies, I should have mentioned that they are identical twins and therefore will either be 2 boys or 2 girls.

Lots of love and hugs!!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

"D" Day is Coming!!!

That's D for Delivery!! We just got home from the hospital and the Dr said it's time for these twins to come and see the world. He's busy coordinating with all the Dr's that need to be present at the birth, but they'll be born either this Saturday July 23rd or Monday the 25th! I'll know which one of those days it'll be tomorrow morning! All so exciting and scary at the same time!!

In the meantime, anyone put their votes in on whether they'll be girls or boys????

More tomorrow as soon as I find out which day it'll be!!

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Countdown to Meeting These Babies Begins!!

The last few weeks have been a bit bumpy so I haven't felt much like writing about it so sorry for the lack of posts. Baby A is having growth trouble again, the flow through the cord is weak and my cervix keeps shortening, but we're somehow still hanging in there! I'm starting my 32nd today and feel SO lucky we've made it this far! I can't believe I've been on bedrest for over 11 weeks now. We've been at the hospital on average every 3 days for scans, stress tests, etc. and are headed there again this afternoon. Last week they told us that they may decide to take these babies out any day now and that the very latest they'll let us go is July 25th. That's exactly 2 weeks from today! YIKES!!

I'm really hoping I get to come back to my thrown today that was formerly known as my couch :) I'll keep you all posted!!
Tons of love!!

Scan Pics 29 Weeks!

How adorable are these pictures? It's amazing how well you can see their faces! I'm getting super excited to meet them and can't believe we have less than 2 weeks to go and maybe less!!! At 29 weeks they weighed 1004g and 1361g. At 31 weeks and 3 days they were closer to 1.2kg and 1.8kg. I'll hopefully get exact weights today!

Andy Laying on the BIG Budah Belly :) 31 Wks 6 days!!

Thank you SO much to our great friends Rob & Sam for helping us get our 1st picture together with the belly!! Love you guys!!