Monday, July 11, 2011

The Countdown to Meeting These Babies Begins!!

The last few weeks have been a bit bumpy so I haven't felt much like writing about it so sorry for the lack of posts. Baby A is having growth trouble again, the flow through the cord is weak and my cervix keeps shortening, but we're somehow still hanging in there! I'm starting my 32nd today and feel SO lucky we've made it this far! I can't believe I've been on bedrest for over 11 weeks now. We've been at the hospital on average every 3 days for scans, stress tests, etc. and are headed there again this afternoon. Last week they told us that they may decide to take these babies out any day now and that the very latest they'll let us go is July 25th. That's exactly 2 weeks from today! YIKES!!

I'm really hoping I get to come back to my thrown today that was formerly known as my couch :) I'll keep you all posted!!
Tons of love!!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck at your check-up today - fingers and toes crossed that you'll be able to return to your "throne" for a while longer!
