Monday, June 13, 2011

Scan 27 Weeks & 5 Days

We were told to pack a hospital bag when we went for our scan last Friday. Because Angel's growth had slowed at our previous scan I think they were worried that it was going to continue to taper off and that they'd want to admit me so they could start monitoring the babies. We first went to Panorama hospital to see our OBGYN and he confirmed that I'm very healthy. Blood pressure low, no infection, and cervix is dynamic, but holding ok :)

We then went to see the specialist, Dr. Morris, and we all had such an amazing surprise! Not only were the babies healthy, but little Angel's growth rate had increased! In the previous weeks the growth had only been around 70g per week and in the last 2 weeks it was 120g per week! On average they'd like to see growth of 150g per week! Given the marginal cord insertion the doctor was shocked and has no explanation, but we were all SO happy and thankful! Now Angel weighs 861 grams and Blessing 1083 grams. Both babies have very healthy blood flow, heart rates, development, etc! The bedrest, drugs and all of the happy, healthy thoughts being sent our way is working!! YAY!! We are truly soooo grateful!!

I've now been on bedrest for 6 weeks and have to stay here. Even though bedrest isn't fun ... I'll stay put if it means that the babies stay inside and continue to be healthy! Right now they are predicting they'll come to see the world between 30 and 32 weeks, but I'm hoping the power of positive thinking will keep them inside until at least 35 weeks!!

It's amazing how quickly these little ones grow and change. If you look at the third picture you'll see that you can now make out the front of the babies' faces. You can see their eye lids move and you can even see them drink! It's so incredible.

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